Terra Smart Chat Widget Documentation

Here we list all available options for our Smart Widget. For the vast majority of people (yes, even if you are a developer) we recommend to use our Smart Widget Builder. With the Builder, you can see the changes in real-time! It covers all available options and not only it will give you the ready-to-use code to use in your website, but it will also configure the widget automatically and will help you with design tips (auto-color, contrast-checker and other utilities). Anyways, whether you use the Builder or not, you can always check this documentation to code it yourself or to check specific options.

Getting Started

To insert our widget into your page, you just need to insert two snippets. The first one is the widget code:

<script src="https://chat.terra.marketing/webchat.js"></script>

And the second one is the script to initialize the chat. For customers, it is as simple as the following:

    // If you want to show the user all the channels of your choice, instance a WebChat class.
    let widget = new WebChat({
        id: 'YOUR-ID'

    // If you want your users to be able to talk directly from your website (live messages),
    // just instance a LiveWebChat class.
    let widget = new LiveWebChat({
        id: 'YOUR-ID'

    // Just start the widget to show it!

If you aren't a Terra customer yet, you just need to configure as follows:

    let widget = new WebChat();

    // You can add all the available channels you wish here
            type: Channel.Viber,
            url: 'viber://url'
            type: Channel.WhatsApp,
            url: 'https://wa.me/number'

    // Don't forget to start the widget to show it!


You can customize your widget to match your website or page colors and style. The Default Widget constructor accepts three parameters, while the Live Widget accepts two:

// WebChat class parameters
let widget = new WebChat([options], [channels], [wrapper]);

// LiveWebChat class parameters
let widget = new LiveWebChat([options], [wrapper]);


The first parameter (options) is an object which supports the following variables:

Option Required Description
id No If you are a Terra customer, you can insert your ID here and everything will be automatically configured for you!
theme No With this option, you can change between a predefined light and dark theme, you can choose any of these two option: "light", "dark". The default is the light theme.
position No This options handles the position of the widget on the user's screen. Available options are: right (default) and left.
animation No This option gives you control over the presented animation. The available options are "pulse" and "ripple". The default animation is the ripple. You can set this option to "none" to remove the animation. We recommend you to use an animation in order to get the user's attention.
logo No You can insert your logo in the widget's header. If you wish to, you need to insert the full logo url. If you wish to show no logo at all, just use a "#". The default is the Terra logo.
description No You can insert a short description below the logo. We recommend to keep it really short, like: "Please contact us in your favorite channel". You can leave it blank (which is the default).
style No The style is a parent object that supports additional options inside, described below.
style.color No Set the hexadecimal color for the button here. The default is the Terra main color.
style.iconsSameColorAsButton No Values: true or false. Default is true. If this option is true, the channel icons will be the same as the color set in style.color, if it's false, they will have a color that contrasts with the active theme: dark for light theme and light for dark theme.


let widget = new WebChat({
    theme: 'dark',
    position: 'right',
    animation: 'pulse',
    logo: 'https://yoursite.com/logo.png',
    description: 'Contact over your favorite channel!',
    style: {
        color: '#ff0000', // red
        iconsSameColorAsButton: true // icons will be red as well

Channels (WebChat class only)

If you are using the WebChat class, you can add all channels supported by Terra on your widget on the second parameter, which is an array of objects with a predefined structure. Of course, there's no reason to have this parameter in the LiveWebChat class at all.

let widget = new WebChat([options], [channels], [wrapper]);


The second parameter (channels) is an array which supports the following objects inside:

Object Property Required Description
type Yes String containing the channel. Use the Channel class to access the available values through it's static vars. Should be an available option, like: Channel.Viber, Channel.WhatsApp, Channel.Facebook, Channel.Instagram, Channel.Google, Channel.Telegram, Channel.Phone, Channel.SMS.
url Yes The url to open the channel.


let widget = new WebChat({
    // Your options here (can be omitted to use the defaults)
        type: Channel.Viber,
        url: 'viber://url'
        type: Channel.WhatsApp,
        url: 'https://wa.me/number'
    // you can continue inserting channels as you wish

Although we added this option in the constructor, we would recommend you to first initialize the var with the desired options and the use the following function to add your channels, as it helps with code readability:

let widget = new WebChat();

    type: Channel.Viber,
    url: 'viber://url'
    type: Channel.WhatsApp,
    url: 'https://wa.me/number'

// You can concatenate this function multiple times to add all your channels.
// Way better, huh!?


You can add the widget inside a html element if you need to. We don't recommend you to use this option as it's probably will need to be used only for very specific reasons.

let widget = new WebChat([options], [channels], [wrapper]);


The wrapper parameter is a HTML Element.


let widget = new WebChat({}, [], document.getElementById('your-element'));


After you configured your widget as you want, you just need to call the start function to display it.


Remove Channel

If you are a Terra customer, the channels are added automatically to your widget. You might want to omit a few of them on the widget. All you need to do is to call this function before calling the start() function, passing the channel you desire to remove to it's parameter. You can also concatenate the function (just like the addChannel()) to remove multiple channels.


Reload Widget

As you might have noticed on the Widget Builder, the Widget can reload it's content dynamically without the need to restart it all (hot-reload all the way!). So, if by any reasons you do any kind of alterations after calling start() and want to display the changes to the user, all you need to do is to call this function. Please do notice that it's an async function.



If anything goes wrong or you believe so, please take a look into the browser console. Most errors will show a very clear message on how to fix it. If you need support or find any bugs, please feel free to contact by clicking the button below and we'll be more than help to support you!